C @ The Queen’s House in Greenwich | London Portrait Photographer

Meet my friend C who I’ve known for half of my life. We’re the same size and height and we’ve lived together before we got married and had kids. The difference between me and C is that C somehow manages to always look stylish and glamorous, kids or no kids. C works the camera and the camera loves her; I much prefer being behind the lens {and I think the camera likes it that way too}.

So photographing C was so much fun, it was no work at all – she somehow slipped into the poses I suggested with great ease. A few clicks here and there and the job was done. It was a bonus to be in such an amazing location too, The Queen’s House in Greenwich, now part of the National Maritime Museum, on a gloriously sunny day.

Next on the blog will be more photos of C but with her gorgeous family. Meanwhile, enjoy these photos of my beautiful friend.

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