The Christmas / Holiday season will soon be upon us. For most of us, it’s a very busy time. If you are into craft and especially if you have little ones who may want to join in, I have trawled the internet for you {thank you Pinterest} to find you the simplest, least-messy, tasteful and beautiful craft projects you can make without having to spend hours on them nor will they break the bank!
These are very quick and easy to make Christmas decorations in a jar {a vintage-looking jar would look especially nice}. My kids chose a few small toys from their animal and car collection etc, popped them in a jar filled to about an inch of fake snow which is readily available from any craft shop for a pound per pack.
And voila! Cosy winter decoration is done, ready to display and welcome the festive season.
I hope you enjoy making this simple and easy DIY creative Christmas vintage snowy decor in a jar! If you enjoyed this post please share it on Facebook or comment below. Thank you!
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