Little did they know what the internet would deliver… When Tom and Lynsey first met each other via an online dating site, they did not know what to expect, not least the perfect match. In Tom’s own words he could not believe his luck. He was quick to fall for the vivacious kind-hearted and stunning personality and she also happened to take a shine to the quietly romantic and insanely clever guy on her computer screen. Their story may sound so modern day yet is totally smothered with the elements of true love.
Over time they got to know each other, the various facets of their personalities, crazy quirks and all, as their love grew deeper and it was time to take the plunge. So here we are in the vibrant East End of London celebrating an awesome day of declaration, in the presence of their most beloved people in this world, of their unending love for each other. They kept everything local to celebrate and honour the life that they have built together, which no doubt will only get stronger as the years go by. Congratulations Tom and Lynsey and a huge shout out to the internet for making their stars align. Your wedding was a feast in every way, rich in colour, soul and heart. Here is a small selection of memories from your awesome day.
Second shooter: David Sawyer Church: St. Margaret’s Convent Chapel Reception: Queen Mary’s University Florist: Sewells Florist Portrait location: Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park featuring the ArcellorMittal Orbit
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