{Things get crazy busy from this weekend, so allow me to indulge in a personal post or two…}
Aside from photography, I also love d-i-y, especially if it costs me next to nothing. I find great enjoyment in creating new uses out of old things, using materials I pick up from charity shops or in the sales or markets. It’s no surprise to my husband to find furniture moved around, vases swapped for tins, old dresses made into something for the kiddies. If only there’s enough hours in the day to do everything…
Recently, I picked up some fabric from John Lewis in the sale and made new cushions.
The ribbon idea came from The Guardian, believe it or not.
Sewing guru that I am, it only took 4 completed cushions before I realised the wrong methods I have been using {doh!}, making things more complicated than they should have been. {Jan, I miss you, please come back!}
A few years ago, my mother gave me this blanket she crocheted and we all love it.
Lastly, here’s a photo of my kitchen wall. It’s only taken me 6 months to take a photo of it. I painted the tree, blossoms and birds using old left-over tester pots. Except for the photos, nothing on this wall costs over £5, not even the light shade on the ceiling! These photos are priceless. There are a few of my kids – all practise shots. And there’s this little gem…it’s a tiny black and white photo of my mother taken by a professional when she was pregnant with me. She had full make up on, false eyelashes, and a glamourous big wig! Nothing can beat that!
For my friend Ellena…
Oh and if you missed my post on the free pretty stationery download, you can get them here.