Idea 3 of my super simple and easy creative Christmas project ideas series you can do by yourself or with your little ones. Very inexpensive too!
These are just a couple of ways to accessorise wrapping paper, presents and greetings cards. Doilies, buttons and string go really well together. Instead of garish gift tags, try using a simple kraft label and finish up with a little doodle or stamp on it. You can get a set of 10 of these labels for a pound from Tiger.
For quick and easy handmade Christmas cards, line some buttons together in the shape of a tree, wreath, star, bauble, heart…. Glue them on the card or sew them on. Accentuate with a ribbon and there you have it: your very own card handcrafted with love.
My top tip is to keep the designs really simple and just accentuate with a small bow. Click here for the super simple button Christmas trees idea and here for the vintage snowy decor in a jar idea. Please share this if you like it and comment below.
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