Lily Sawyer's blog

Welcome to my blog where I regularly write about weddings and portfolio sessions, hobbies, tips and tutorials, reviews and personal musings about life, art and photography.

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Photographing a gorgeous baby boy: Cameron

This little boy is simply gorgeous. He looks straight at the camera, fascinated and mesmerised by the lens and the sound of the shutter clicking. This made it easy for me to take a few portraits up close.

7 Tips to get creative with your portraits

Let’s start with getting creative with your portraits using these 7 simple tips. Again, you don’t need an expensive kit. All you need now is a good eye and some creative ideas.

5 Basic tips for taking good photos

Whilst having expensive photography kit can help you take good photos there are many more important factors to achieving interesting and impressive photos. Start experimenting with these suggested tips and see the how your photos change.